We understand that behaviors can be challenging. Diagnosis or no diagnosis, let us help you navigate the services available to you.

Passion in all we do.

To learn more about any of our services please contact us. 

contact us

1:1 Direct Services

Our programs are designed to help individuals explore and discover the world on their terms. We utilize evidence-based methods such as applied behavioral analysis to formulate individualized behavior change plans. Each plan is specific to the wants and needs of the individuals we work with. 

Caregiver Collaboration

Caregivers play an important role in behavior change and family involvement is essential.  We understand that behavior services can be costly and therefore offer caregiver collaboration (with or without 1:1 direct services). As a stand-alone, this option allows for the caregiver to work directly with the BCBA to formulate a plan for the individual that will be implemented by the family. Because of this, caregiver collaboration without 1:1 direct services, can be offered at a fraction of the cost of 1:1 direct services. For other educational opportunities, please visit the Community page. 


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IEP Assistance & Advocacy Services

We, at Moore than Behavior, offer guidance on the process of requesting an IEP as well as school implementation. IEP’S can be difficult to navigate and we want to ensure that the individual, family, and school administration are all on the same page. We want to support the individual and help them express their wants and needs as well as help them stand up for their rights. With that being said, we offer advocacy services beyond IEP’s. We can offer support when speaking with school administration, physicians, and other providers. To learn more about our services, Contact us today! 



We strive to use methods of therapy that the individual can utilize in daily routines at home, in school, or out in the community. Below are some goals that our BCBA’s will work toward with our individuals. 

   • Social skills (playing with others, sharing, etc.)

   • Relationship building/Empathy skills

   • Independence building skills

   • Verbal, Augmented, & Non-verbal communication

   • Coping skills

   • Activities of Daily Living (toileting, brushing teeth, using a fork, etc.)

   • Fine/Gross motor skills

   • Tantrum behavior

   • Attention skills

   • Critical thinking skills




Tuition Assistance Program (COMING SOON!)


Moore than Behavior seeks to make our direct 1:1 behavioral services available to all families regardless of their financial situation, where possible and as funds allow. This program is fully community funded and therefore not always available. If you are in need of assistance obtaining services, please reach out. 

Find Out More


Moore than Behavior, PLLC

Salem, IL 62881



Need additional assistance? Please contact us:



We are open Monday to Friday, from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm.
